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How do I use the templates?

These freedom of information agency templates have been developed to guide agencies when communicating with applicants, third parties, other agencies and internally.  The templates can be customised to suit the needs of individual agencies and different circumstances.

The templates use three instructional mechanisms:

Blue highlight indicates options to consider based on different circumstances that may apply to a request. In most instances a blue highlight will indicate that an option should be used and the alternative deleted from the template.

Yellow highlight – indicates information to insert into the template. For example, dates and contextual information.

Purple text box  – provides additional information to explain the kind of information to be inserted into the template and why, with reference to applicable sections of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) and the Professional Standards. These boxes must be deleted from the template before finalising the correspondence.

Freedom of information agency templates

Template 1 – Processing an FOI request checklist

Template 2 – Internal search request with checklist

Template 3 – Record of document search

Template 4 – Third party consultation record

Template 5 – FOI application form – request for documents – section 17

Template 6 – FOI application form – request for an amendment – Section 39

Template 7 – Providing informal or alternative access to documents

Template 8 – Request is valid and being processed

Template 9 – Request is not valid and action is required

Template 10 – Transfer of request notice – agency

Template 11 – Transfer of request notice – applicant

Template 12 – Request for extension of time

Template 13 – Notice of extension of time

Template 14 – Access charges deposit required

Template 15 – Section 25A(6) consultation notice – unreasonable diversion of resources

Template 16 – Third party consultation letter

Template 17 – Disclosure of third party information notice

Template 18 – Decision letter – release in full, in part, deny in full

Template 19 – Decision letter – documents do not exist or cannot be located

Template 20 – Decision letter – refusal under section 25A(1)


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