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New report available

Click through to read the Culture of Implementing Freedom of Information in Australia report, the recommendations and OVIC’s response to the findings.

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Your Privacy Rights

In Victoria, you have the right to know when and why your personal information is being collected

Learn more about your privacy rights

Agency FOI Information Service

Email your questions on FOI and experienced staff will provide tailored guidance

Read more about
this service

Access Your Health Records

Under Victoria’s Freedom of Information Act, you have the right to request access to your health records

Learn how to make an FOI request

The Incident Notification Scheme

Organisations are now required to notify OVIC of information security incidents over a certain threshold

Notify us
person reading computer

Publication of FOI Review Decisions

OVIC publishes de-identified review decisions made by the Information Commissioner to promote understanding of the FOI Act

More information

Privacy Training

OVIC provides free training on the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 to Victorian public sector staff

Register here

Training and Events

See all Training and Events

Administering the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) – October

The Administering of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) webinar has been developed to provide VPS employees with a general understanding of the FOI Act and guide them through how to process a request. These sessions include live...

  • FOI
  • Freedom of Information
  • training

Information Access Series: Section 38 of the FOI Act – Secrecy provisions

OVIC hosts a monthly Information Access Series seminar for FOI practitioners in the Victorian public sector (VPS). This month, the OVIC legal team will be delivering this seminar, covering Section 38 of the FOI Act – Secrecy provisions. Section 38 of...

Victorian Privacy Network meeting – 31 October

The Victorian Privacy Network (VPN) is hosting its’ next meeting on Thursday 31 October. The VPN brings together privacy professionals from across Victoria, providing an opportunity to hear from guest speakers, network, and learn from each other’s experiences. The meeting...

Victorian Information Security Network Forum – Incident Insights

OVIC invites you to a Victorian Information Security Network (VISN) event exploring insights drawn from the upcoming release of the Information Security Incident Insights Report. This report provides a summary and an analysis of the information security incident notifications received...

  • Incident
  • Info Sec
  • Information security
  • Insights
  • VISN

Introduction to Information Privacy and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (PDP Act) webinar – December

Introduction to Information Privacy and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (PDP Act) looks at interpreting information privacy and the Act, whilst also providing public sector employees with a detailed understanding of each stage of the information lifecycle. Please...

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