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About us
Learn about what we do, read our publications and resources, and find information published under Part II of the FOI Act.
What you can expect from us
Read about what to expect from us when we handle requests and enquiries, complaints, an FOI review, or a general complaint.
Regulatory action
Read investigation and examination reports, and more about our regulatory approach and regulatory action.
Our functions and activities
Read about our purpose, and the functions and activities of our business units.
News and media
Read our news items, newsletters, media releases, blog posts, and find out how to contact us for media enquiries.
Structure and Commissioners
Read more about our organisational structure and our Commissioners.
Annual reports
Read OVIC's annual reports which outline the operation and administration of the PDP Act and FOI Act.
Legislation we work with
Read about the legislation we are established under and provide independent oversight over.
Stakeholder and regulatory networks
Check out the stakeholder groups and regulatory networks we manage or participate in.
Make an FOI request to us
See how to make a freedom of information request for our documents or request an amendment to a record.
Our strategic plan
Our strategic plan outlines our goals and aspirations to guide our work from 2021-2024.
Our documents and resources
Understand the types of documents we produce including annual reports, guides and resources, and other publications.
Consulting with OVIC
How OVIC can assist organisations when planning, updating programs, projects and initiatives.
Consultant reports and publications
See reports, publications and other documents that have been prepared by consultants and external organisations.
Our policies and registers
See our policies and procedures used to make decisions or provide advice, as well as corporate registers and policies.
Make a complaint about us
Read about what to do if you have a complaint or feedback about a service we have provided.
Gender equality action plan
See our policies and procedures used to make decisions or provide advice, as well as corporate registers and policies.