Education and networking
Privacy is an ever-changing area. So it’s important that you keep up to date with developments in privacy law, technology and best practice.
There are various ways that you can hone your skills – through training, learning from other privacy professionals and staying informed on the latest privacy news.
You can sign up to our monthly newsletter to keep up to date on the latest privacy news from OVIC. The newsletter covers:
- new or upcoming initiatives, programs and events;
- publication of new resources;
- key milestones, achievements or announcements; and
- stakeholder engagement activities.
You can also follow OVIC news on Twitter and LinkedIn.
Victorian Privacy Network
OVIC has established a Victorian Privacy Network (VPN) which brings together privacy professionals from across Victoria. It provides an opportunity for privacy and information management professionals to hear from guest speakers, meet each other in person, and share and learn from each other’s experiences.
Meetings of the network are held twice a year. Guest speakers are invited to talk on topical issues, and members are also welcome to present on their work or other privacy-related matters that may be of interest to the network.
Visit our Victorian Privacy Network page to register to attend future VPN meetings.
Privacy Awareness Week
Privacy Awareness Week (PAW) is an initiative held each year in early May across the Asia Pacific to raise awareness of privacy issues and the importance of protecting personal information.
OVIC hosts a range of events during PAW and also develops a range of resources for agencies to use and share as part their efforts to mark PAW.
For updates on PAW, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
OVIC offers a range of training materials. Our free webinars assist Victorian public sector staff to meet their obligations by providing an introduction to the fundamentals of privacy.
We also provide eLearning modules to assist with understanding the IPPs; managing the privacy impacts of data breaches and conducting Privacy Impact Assessments.
OVIC developed an eLearning module on Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA), designed to enhance the capabilities of privacy officers and privacy teams. It will provide a base level understanding of key elements of a PIA, including an overview, why it is necessary, the different elements of a PIA, and how to use it to identify and assess the potential privacy risks of a project or program.
OVIC may be able to offer short presentations to agencies who would like to host a session tailored to the needs of their staff. For further information on training, please contact us at However, we have limited availability and may not be able to provide training customised to your specific needs or as quickly as you would like.
There are several private businesses that specialise in privacy that offer training in Victoria. You may also wish to explore privacy certifications such as those issued by the International Association of Privacy Professionals.