Stakeholder and regulatory networks
The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) manages a number of stakeholder group for public sector staff, industry stakeholders, and members of the public. OVIC also participates in a range of national and international regulatory forums and networks.
Stakeholder engagement survey
To measure the effectiveness of our engagement activities, since 2019 OVIC has deployed an annual online survey directed at Victorian public sector organisations. The survey comprises questions on OVIC’s three key branches:
- freedom of information;
- privacy; and
- information security.
Read more about the annual survey here.
Freedom of information
Public Access Agency Reference Group
The Public Access Agency Reference Group comprises representatives from across government to discuss the operation and administration of the FOI Act. Minutes of the this group are available here.
Information Access Series
OVIC hosts a monthly Information Access Series seminar for FOI practitioners in the Victorian public sector.
Victorian Privacy Network
The Victorian Privacy Network provides an opportunity for privacy and information management professionals to hear from guest speakers, network, and learn from each other.
Privacy Roundtable
The Privacy Roundtable comprises representatives from departments and agencies representing various government sectors. Minutes of the this group are available here.
Information Security
Victorian Information Security Network
The Victorian Information Security Network is a platform for stakeholders across government and industry to discuss data protection issues and initiatives.
National and International Networks
International Conference of Information Commissioners
The International Conference of Information Commissioners (ICIC) includes Information Commissioners and Ombudsmen from across the globe who meet regularly to discuss issues related to the protection and promotion of the right to public information for the benefit of citizens.
Association of Information Access Commissioners
The Association of Information Access Commissioners (AIAC) is a forum for Information Commissioners and Ombudsmen to discuss information access issues across Australia and New Zealand, share insights on open government trends and exchange ideas for implementing best practice in access to information. The AIAC meet twice a year.
Privacy Authorities Australia
Privacy Authorities Australia is a bi-annual forum for Privacy Commissioners around Australia to connect and share ideas, developments and resources to improve their collective information privacy capability.
Privacy Authorities Australia – Policy Group
In 2018, the PAA Policy Group was established – a subgroup of the PAA. The Policy Group allows policy officers to discuss privacy matters of common interest, share experiences and exchange ideas to encourage peer to peer learning.
Privacy Authorities Australia – Complaints and Enforcement Group
In 2019, the PAA Complaints and Enforcement Group (PAACE) was established, which is a cross-jurisdictional complaint and enforcement working group. The group aims to improve cooperation between authorities in relation to complaint handling, provide appropriate mutual assistance in the enforcement of laws protecting privacy and foster closer working relationships between authorities at the officer level.
Global Privacy Assembly
Formerly the International Conference of Data Protection and Privacy Commissioners, the Global Privacy Assembly (GPA) is an international forum for data protection and privacy authorities. It seeks to provide leadership at a global level in data protection and privacy. It also facilitates cooperation and sharing of knowledge to enable privacy authorities to better perform their functions. OVIC also participates in the GPA Policy Strategy Working Group.
Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities
Asia Pacific Privacy Authorities (APPA) is the principal forum for privacy and data protection regulators from across the Asia Pacific to form partnerships, exchange policy and regulatory experiences and discuss emerging technology and global privacy trends. APPA members convene twice a year.
Global Privacy Enforcement Network
The Global Privacy Enforcement Network (GPEN) promotes international cross-border cooperation among privacy authorities in the enforcement of laws protecting privacy. Members exchange information about relevant issues, trends and experiences and share best practice in addressing cross-border challenges.
GPEN hosts monthly teleconferences for members to present on current privacy issues. GPEN also conduct annual sweeps to coordinate a global analysis of organisations’ privacy practices. Read reports from GPEN sweeps OVIC participated in.
Common Thread Network
Established in October 2014, the Common Thread Network is a forum for data protection and privacy authorities of Commonwealth countries. It was set up to promote cross-border cooperation and build capacity by sharing knowledge on emerging trends, regulatory changes and best practice for effective data protection.