Privacy Roundtable Meeting
Date: 19 August 2021
Time: 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM AEST
Location: Videoconference
- Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner
- Annan Boag – Assistant Commissioner, Privacy and Assurance
- Dermot Dignam – Manager, Privacy Guidance
- Caitlin Galpin – Senior Privacy Guidance Officer
- Department of Education
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions
- Department of Justice and Community Safety
- Department of Premier and Cabinet
- Department of Transport
- Department of Treasury and Finance
- Victoria Police
- WorkSafe Victoria
Agenda items
Welcome and introduction
- The Assistant Commissioner, Privacy and Assurance, welcomed the members of the Privacy Roundtable and performed the acknowledgment of country.
OVIC update
The Senior Privacy Guidance Officer noted:
- OVIC has published a new Privacy Officer Toolkit that covers 11 key topics relevant to a Privacy Officer’s role, such as an overview of privacy law; guidance on handling internal enquiries and complaints; privacy impact assessments; and data breaches.
- OVIC has updated its Privacy Impact Assessment e-learning module.
- OVIC made submissions to the Digital Transformation Agency on Digital Identity Legislation Position Paper discussing a number of privacy and security issues with the Commonwealth’s proposed digital identity legislation.
- OVIC made submissions to the Australian Curriculum Assessment and Reporting Authority on the Review of the Australian Curriculum for Foundations to Year 10 encouraging privacy to be incorporated in the curriculum.
The Manager, Privacy Guidance:
- Provided a high level summary of statistics relating to the handling of privacy complaints.
- Noted that OVIC is reviewing and amending its Complaint Form to provided clearer guidance to complainants.
- Noted that OVIC has published a case note on the Kerig v Victoria University VCAT decision where the Anshun principle was applied and which is relevant to complainants and respondents where information subject to a complaint is identified as both health and personal.
Agency representative updates
- Group members discussed key challenges, trends and initiatives in their relevant areas. Common themes arising from this discussion included:
- Trends reporting a significant uplift in the number of Privacy Impact Assessments undertaken across departments. This was largely attributable to departments entering into new data sharing agreements, procurement contracts and projects.
- Trends reporting a small increase in data breaches and cyber attacks.