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Section 6T - Validity of acts and decisions


Validity of acts and decisions


Section 6T clarifies the validity of an act or decision of the Information Commissioner or the Public Access Deputy Commissioner (and an acting Information Commissioner or acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner) if there are issues with how or when the person was appointed.


There may be other reasons why an act or decision is invalid; the purpose of section 6T is to overcome any procedural and technical argument, ensuring any issue with the appointment alone does not give rise to invalidity of any acts and decisions.


An act or decision of the Information Commissioner or Public Access Deputy Commissioner (including acting Commissioners) will not be invalid:

  • if there is an issue with how the Information Commissioner5 was appointed (for example, the appointment process was not followed properly);6 or
  • for an acting Information Commissioner,7 where a vacancy or absence in the position had not started or had expired.8
  1. Or Public Access Deputy Commissioner, acting Information Commissioner, or acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner.
  2. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 6T(a).
  3. Or acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner.
  4. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 6T(b).
  5. Or Public Access Deputy Commissioner, acting Information Commissioner, or acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner.
  6. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 6T(a).
  7. Or acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner.
  8. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 6T(b).



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Last updated 8 May 2023

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