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Section 63A - Information Commissioner and certain other persons not compellable to produce documents in legal proceedings


Compelling documents from OVIC in legal proceedings


Generally, the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) cannot be compelled in a legal proceeding to produce a document where OVIC has the document because it was performing functions under Part VI (reviews), Part VIA (complaints), or Part VIB (investigations).3


In other words, if a document comes into OVIC’s possession during a review, complaint or investigation, OVIC cannot be compelled to produce that document or any part of it.


However, there are three instances where OVIC can be compelled to produce a document. This includes in a:

  • criminal proceeding;
  • Supreme Court proceeding under section 63BA;4 or
  • proceeding where an agency or Minister claims OVIC does not have jurisdiction to compel production of documents.
  1. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 63A(1).
  2. This kind of proceeding considers whether the Information Commissioner or Public Access Deputy Commissioner has jurisdiction to serve a notice to produce or attend.
  3. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic), section 63A(1).
  4. This kind of proceeding considers whether the Information Commissioner or Public Access Deputy Commissioner has jurisdiction to serve a notice to produce or attend.



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Last updated 12 November 2024

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