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Section 29B - Documents of Court Services Victoria




Section 29B exempts certain documents of Court Services Victoria (CSV). For it to apply, the agency or Minister must be satisfied the document:

  • is a document of CSV; and
  • relates to the exercise of a judicial or quasi-judicial function of a Victorian court or the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).

The exemption will not apply to documents that do not relate to judicial or quasi-judicial functions, such as purely administrative functions.


Section 29B must be read consistently with the object of the Act in section 3, which is to extend as far as possible the right of the community to access government held information.

Discretion to disclose exempt documents


The decision to exempt a document under section 29B is a discretionary power. This means an agency or Minister can choose to provide access to information that would otherwise be exempt under section 29B, where it is proper to do so and where the agency or Minister is not legally prevented from providing access.

Who can apply the section 29B exemption?


Section 29B applies to documents of CSV.


CSV provides, or arranges for the provision of, the administrative services and facilities necessary to support the performance of the judicial, quasi-judicial and administrative functions of Victorian courts and tribunals (including VCAT).


A document may still be a document of CSV, even if it has been provided to another agency.

What is a judicial or quasi-judicial function?


The concepts of ‘judicial functions’ and ‘quasi-judicial functions’ are not defined in the Act.


However, the High Court of Australia’s interpretation in Kline5 of sections 5 and 6 of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (Commonwealth FOI Act) helps to explain what these terms mean:6

  • judicial functions are the substantive powers or functions of a court as well as the matters preparatory to the exercise of such powers and functions; and
  • quasi-judicial functions are the substantive powers or functions of a tribunal as well as the matters preparatory to the exercise of such powers or functions.7

The administrative functions of a court or tribunal are not judicial or quasi-judicial functions. ‘Administrative function’ means the apparatus supporting the exercise of judicial or quasi-judicial functions, such as the management and administration of registry and office resources, logistical support, infrastructure, physical necessities, travel and accommodation or the platform that enables judicial and quasi-judicial functions to occur.8


This means that a document of CSV that relates to the:

  • exercise of, or relates to a matter preparatory to, the exercise of a substantive power or function of a Victorian court or VCAT will be exempt under section 29B;
  • administrative functions of a Victorian court or VCAT will not be exempt under section 29B.
  1. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52.
  2. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), sections 5 and 6. These sections in the Commonwealth FOI Act limit the right of access from courts and certain tribunals to documents relating to ‘matters of an administrative nature’ only.
  3. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52 [76].
  4. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52 [41], [47], [71]-[72], [74], [77].
  5. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52.
  6. Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth), sections 5 and 6. These sections in the Commonwealth FOI Act limit the right of access from courts and certain tribunals to documents relating to ‘matters of an administrative nature’ only.
  7. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52 [76].
  8. Kline v Official Secretary to the Governor General [2013] HCA 52 [41], [47], [71]-[72], [74], [77].



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Last updated 13 November 2024

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