Section 61H - Conciliation of complaint
Extract of legislation
Where a complaint cannot be resolved informally, the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner must conciliate the complaint.2
While conciliation is still an informal approach to resolving complaints, it may involve steps such as a telephone or face-to-face conciliation conference.
If the complaint is successfully conciliated, the outcome will be recorded in a written agreement and a copy provided to the agency or Minister and the complainant.
If a complaint has been successfully conciliated, no further action may be taken on that complaint.
- Section 6I sets out the functions of the Information Commissioner and the Public Access Deputy Commissioner; both are responsible for handling FOI complaints. In this section, the FOI Guidelines collectively refer to the Information Commissioner, the Public Access Deputy Commissioner, and OVIC staff as ‘OVIC’ unless otherwise stated.
- Section 6I sets out the functions of the Information Commissioner and the Public Access Deputy Commissioner; both are responsible for handling FOI complaints. In this section, the FOI Guidelines collectively refer to the Information Commissioner, the Public Access Deputy Commissioner, and OVIC staff as ‘OVIC’ unless otherwise stated.