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Consulting with OVIC

Victorian public sector organisations (organisations) subject to the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (PDP Act) and Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Vic) (FOI Act) are welcome to consult with OVIC when planning or updating programs, projects or initiatives.

OVIC can provide guidance and feedback on information privacy, information security and information access requirements and best practice.

We encourage organisations to consult with us so we can:

  • understand the issues organisations face and how OVIC can assist
  • assist to identify ways to strengthen information handling practices
  • assist to identify gaps in adhering to the PDP Act, FOI Act and OVIC’s expectations for best practice
  • understand the intersection between the program or initiative and OVIC’s regulatory remit.

We invite organisations to consult with us on:

  • legislative proposals, draft Bills and policy proposals that have an impact on information privacy, information security or freedom of information (FOI)
  • new or updated programs or projects that involve:
    • a significant amount of personal information or particularly sensitive or delicate information
    • whole of government initiatives, with an impact on information privacy or information management
    • complex information sharing or substantial outsourcing arrangements
    • a scheme that provides for access to information outside the usual FOI process
    • emerging technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence or surveillance tools
    • managing significant risks to the confidentiality, integrity or availability of public sector information and systems
  • new or updated organisational policies or guidance that relate to information handling.

As an independent integrity agency, OVIC does not endorse or approve organisations’ programs or initiatives. The comments OVIC provides do not constitute legal advice, and organisations may wish to seek their own legal advice in addition to considering OVIC’s feedback and guidance.

As an integrity agency for the Victorian public sector, OVIC cannot assist private entities. In some circumstances, OVIC may be able to work with private entities, such as where they are providing services to an organisation under a State contract, or running a consultation on behalf of an organisation.

When seeking to consult with OVIC, we ask that organisations allow sufficient time for OVIC staff and Commissioners to review relevant materials and prepare feedback. We understand that at times requests may be urgent. OVIC staff will work with organisations to determine appropriate timeframes for a response.

To request assistance from OVIC, please email and your request will be forwarded to the relevant team.

Organisations can also raise general information privacy, information security or FOI queries by emailing, calling 1800 006 842, or contacting OVIC team members through existing communication channels.

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