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What you can expect from us

This page outlines what you can expect from the Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner (OVIC) when handling a freedom of information (FOI) or privacy complaint, an FOI review, a general complaint, or other request for assistance.

OVIC is an Independent Statutory Authority. We will deliver our services in line with the Victorian Public Sector values:

  • Responsiveness
  • Integrity
  • Impartiality
  • Accountability
  • Respect
  • Leadership
  • Human Rights

This means we will:

  • act independently and without bias;
  • be respectful in our dealings with you;
  • deal with your FOI review, FOI or privacy complaint, or request for assistance in a fair, timely and impartial manner;
  • provide you with regular updates on the progress of your matter;
  • respond fairly and in a way that respects privacy;
  • give clear explanations about what OVIC can and cannot do for you, explain our decisions in plain English and where appropriate, provide you with an opportunity to provide further information;
  • make our services accessible, including by:
    • having a clear website with easy-to-read guidelines and publications;
    • providing interpreters and other services (if possible) on request; and
  • provide you with information about what other avenues may be open to you including possible appeal and/or review rights.

How you can help us

We are committed to providing quality services, delivered with courtesy and respect.

You can help us by:

  • telling us if there is any special support or assistance you need to access our services;
  • providing us with information relevant to our services;
  • being polite, respectful and willing to listen when communicating with us;
  • responding to our requests within nominated timeframes;
  • considering any resolution options with an open mind;
  • updating us if your circumstances change; and
  • respecting what our role allows us to do and what it does not.

If you are unable to meet these expectations, we may restrict your contact.

This may include:

  • not responding to issues that have already been considered and dealt with, unless you raise new matters that warrant further investigations;
  • limiting contact to a named OVIC officer;
  • setting time limits for telephone calls; and/or
  • implementing a communications plan whereby you can only communicate with us in writing or through a representative.

Complaints about us

You should first contact the OVIC staff member involved by phone or email and detail your concerns. The staff member will try to address your concerns.

If you still have concerns with a service we have provided you can email detailing your complaint or contact us to discuss further. Your complaint will then be considered by our Complaints Coordinator. The Complaints Coordinator may refer your complaint to another OVIC manager to consider.

After considering your complaint, we will contact you and provide a response in writing, if you want one. We aim to do so in 30 days.

For more information read Complaints about us.



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