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Structure and Commissioners

The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner is led by the:

  • Information Commissioner;
  • Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner; and
  • Public Access Deputy Commissioner.

Organisational structure

Below is a chart of OVIC’s organisational structure. Click this link to open a larger version of this chart in a new tab.

Sean Morrison, Information Commissioner

Sean Morrison was appointed Victorian Information Commissioner on 15 February 2024. Mr Morrison has significant experience leading the legal responses to key Victorian Government reforms, including Royal Commissions and information-sharing regimes.

Mr Morrison has obtained university qualifications in Information Technology and Law, and has a Master’s of Public Administration. He comes to OVIC following his appointment as Special Investigator at the Office of the Special Investigator and has served as the General Counsel at multiple Victorian Government departments.

Penny Eastman, Public Access Deputy Commissioner (Acting)

Penny Eastman was appointed as the acting Public Access Deputy Commissioner on 7 May 2024. Ms Eastman’s substantive role is as OVIC’s Public Access Assistant Commissioner, Reviews and Regulation and she has extensive experience with FOI review, complaint, access charge and professional standards matters.

Prior to joining OVIC in 2019, Ms Eastman held roles with Commonwealth agencies, focused on information collection and dissemination, data management, regulatory compliance, major event coordination, and policy and capability development.

Rachel Dixon, Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner

Rachel Dixon was appointed as the Privacy and Data Protection Deputy Commissioner on 28 November 2017 and was reappointed for a further five year term in November 2022. She was appointed as the Acting Information Commissioner in August 2023.

Ms Dixon has served in senior roles in Government and the private sector and has a wealth of experience in IT, telecommunications, big data, and biometrics.



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